Friday, March 14, 2008

Question for CFF Coaches to consider

The March 10, 2008 issue of Teacher Magazine online had a fascinating edited version of a transcript "Are Teachers Ready for 21st Century Learning?" in which members of the Teacher Leaders Network discussed their thoughts and feelings about their reaction to a Karl Fisch blog post from last year, "Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?"

As I read the article, and then re-read the Fisch post, I was struck by how much more we need to be having discussions about our commitment to, or lack thereof, transforming teaching and learning. Don't get me wrong - I will never, ever say it just takes putting equipment in people's hands. What I want to hear being discussed is, what will we do to make sure every child has a chance to find the spark that ignites a desire to learn? I would like you to read the two items and then vote via SMS in the Poll Everywhere widget at the bottom of this page.

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